Assam news North-east

Hon'ble MLAs Sushanta Borgohain and Manab Deka Donate One Month's Salary to Assam Flood Relief Fund

Editor Editor
Monday, June 26, 2023
Hon'ble MLAs Sushanta Borgohain and Manab Deka Donate One Month's Salary to Assam Flood Relief Fund
Elected Representatives Lead by Example: MLAs Sushanta Borgohain and Manab Deka Donate for Assam Flood Relief
Hon'ble MLAs, Shri Sushanta Borgohain and Shri Manab Deka, exhibit exemplary generosity by donating a significant amount of ₹80,000 each from their salaries to the Chief Minister's
 Relief Fund. Their noble gesture aims to support the ongoing flood relief efforts in Assam.

In the face of the devastating floods that have impacted numerous communities in Assam, it is heartening to witness such selfless acts of compassion from our elected representatives. Recognizing the urgency and gravity of the situation, Shri Sushanta Borgohain and Shri Manab Deka have demonstrated their commitment to serving the people by contributing to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund.

The funds donated by the MLAs will undoubtedly play a vital role in assisting those affected by the floods. The relief efforts are focused on providing immediate aid such as food, shelter, and medical assistance to the affected individuals and families. The contributions from Shri Sushanta Borgohain and Shri Manab Deka will significantly bolster these relief measures and help alleviate the suffering of those affected by the natural calamity.

The flood situation in Assam has been dire, with widespread displacement and destruction of property. The state government, along with various relief agencies, has been working tirelessly to provide relief and rehabilitation to the affected people. The generous donation from the MLAs serves as an inspiration to others, encouraging them to contribute towards the cause and rally together to support their fellow citizens during this challenging time.

The selflessness displayed by Shri Sushanta Borgohain and Shri Manab Deka in donating their one month's salary exemplifies the spirit of public service and empathy towards those in need. Their act of kindness will not only provide immediate relief but also serve as a reminder of the importance of standing united in times of crisis.

The people of Assam, as well as the state government, extend their heartfelt appreciation to Shri Sushanta Borgohain and Shri Manab Deka for their remarkable gesture. Their donation demonstrates a deep-rooted commitment to the welfare of the state and its citizens. It is through such collective efforts and compassionate initiatives that we can work towards rebuilding lives and communities affected by natural disasters.