Assam news

Assam MLA Shri Diganta Kalita's Remarkable Gesture: Donates One Month's Salary to Flood Relief

Correspondent Correspondent
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Assam MLA Shri Diganta Kalita's Remarkable Gesture: Donates One Month's Salary to Flood Relief
Acknowledging the Generosity of Honorable MLA Shri Diganta Kalita in Supporting Flood Relief Efforts.

ASSAM: We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed MLA, Shri Diganta Kalita, for his magnanimous act of donating his entire monthly salary towards our ongoing flood relief measures.

The generosity exhibited by Honorable MLA Shri Diganta Kalita is truly commendable and deserves our utmost appreciation. By selflessly contributing his hard-earned salary, he has not only showcased his deep empathy towards those affected by the devastating floods but has also set an inspiring example for others to follow.

During times of natural calamities like floods, when countless lives are disrupted and communities are left grappling with the aftermath, the support and contributions of individuals like Honorable MLA Shri Diganta Kalita make a significant difference. Their altruistic actions not only alleviate the immediate challenges faced by the affected population but also offer them a glimmer of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

By directing his financial resources towards our flood relief measures, Honorable MLA Shri Diganta Kalita has demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the welfare and well-being of the people he represents. This act of selflessness reflects his dedication to serving his constituents and his determination to alleviate their suffering in times of crisis.

We are inspired by Honorable MLA Shri Diganta Kalita's compassionate spirit and his genuine concern for the welfare of those affected by the floods. His noble gesture serves as a powerful reminder that in the face of adversity, unity and collective efforts are paramount. It reinforces the belief that together, we can overcome the challenges posed by natural disasters and work towards rebuilding the lives of those affected.

On behalf of the flood-affected communities and the relief organization, we express our heartfelt gratitude to Honorable MLA Shri Diganta Kalita for his remarkable act of generosity. His contribution will undoubtedly go a long way in providing essential support, resources, and aid to those in dire need.

We also hope that his inspiring gesture will motivate others to come forward and lend a helping hand to the flood-affected communities. Every act of kindness, no matter how big or small, can make a profound impact and bring solace to those who have lost so much.

Once again, we extend our deepest appreciation to Honorable MLA Shri Diganta Kalita for his benevolence and unwavering support. His generosity and dedication serve as a beacon of hope in these challenging times, reminding us all of the power of compassion and the importance of standing together in the face of adversity.