HCM Dr. Himanta Biswa Initiates Tree Plantation Drive at IIT Guwahati's 25th Convocation

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Monday, August 28, 2023
HCM Dr. Himanta Biswa Initiates Tree Plantation Drive at IIT Guwahati's 25th Convocation
IIT Guwahati's 25th Convocation Marks a Memorable Moment as HCM Dr. Himanta Biswa Initiates Tree Plantation Drive.

Guwahati, July 4, 2023 - The 25th Convocation of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati witnessed a significant environmental initiative as the Honorable Chief Minister, Dr. Himanta Biswa, graced the occasion by planting a sapling within the institute's premises. This symbolic act not only commemorated the convocation milestone but also emphasized the importance of nurturing nature for a sustainable future.

With a hopeful outlook, Dr. Himanta Biswa expressed his confidence that the students of IIT Guwahati would take up the responsibility of caring for the sapling until it blossoms into a magnificent tree. The gesture resonated with the institute's commitment to environmental conservation and their dedication to producing environmentally conscious graduates.

The 25th Convocation ceremony at IIT Guwahati brought together a gathering of distinguished guests, faculty, and graduating students. As the HCM engaged in the tree plantation, the audience observed the significant moment with enthusiasm and appreciation for the institute's efforts to promote ecological awareness.

Dr. Himanta Biswa, known for his staunch advocacy of environmental protection, stressed the importance of collective action in safeguarding our planet's biodiversity. By initiating this tree plantation drive, he aimed to inspire the young minds of IIT Guwahati to adopt a sustainable mindset and actively participate in environmental preservation.

IIT Guwahati has consistently championed eco-friendly practices, with numerous sustainability initiatives embedded within its campus. The institute's emphasis on innovation and research, combined with a deep-rooted commitment to environmental stewardship, has positioned it as a leading institution in the realm of sustainable development.

As the sapling takes root within the institute's grounds, it serves as a poignant symbol of growth, resilience, and the collective responsibility to nurture our environment. With the baton now passed to the students, it is expected that they will embrace this opportunity to contribute to the green movement and cultivate a sustainable future.

In the wake of the 25th Convocation, IIT Guwahati stands not only as a center of academic excellence but also as a beacon of environmental consciousness. The tree planted by Dr. Himanta Biswa will serve as a constant reminder of the institute's commitment to holistic education, encompassing both intellectual prowess and ecological mindfulness.

The 25th Convocation of IIT Guwahati will be remembered not only for the remarkable achievements of the graduating students but also for the transformative step taken towards fostering a greener and more sustainable world.