Assam news North-east

Jalukbari Teacher, Pratibha Baishya, Joins TET Colleagues in Generous Donation to Chief Minister's Relief Fund

Correspondent Correspondent
Sunday, July 02, 2023
Jalukbari Teacher, Pratibha Baishya, Joins TET Colleagues in Generous Donation to Chief Minister's Relief Fund
HCM Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma  Expresses Gratitude to Pratibha Baishya and TET Teachers for ₹50,000 Donation.

ASSAM: Pratibha Baishya, a resident of Jalukbari, displayed her compassion and community spirit by joining forces with fellow TET teachers to extend a helping hand to the people in need. They recently had the privilege of meeting the Honorable Chief Minister, Dr. Himantabiswa, and presented a generous donation of ₹50,000 towards the Chief Minister's Relief Fund.

This selfless act of kindness did not go unnoticed, as the Honorable Chief Minister expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Smt. Pratibha Baishya and her fellow teachers. He commended them for their noble gesture, recognizing the significance of their contribution to support those affected by various challenges and crises.

The philanthropic endeavors of Pratibha Baishya and her colleagues exemplify the power of unity and the importance of community welfare. Their dedicated efforts serve as an inspiration for others to step forward and lend a helping hand to create a positive impact on society.

By collaborating and contributing to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund, these compassionate individuals have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of those facing adversity. Their act of generosity sets an example for others, highlighting the value of collective action and compassionate leadership in times of need.

The Chief Minister's Relief Fund plays a pivotal role in providing assistance and relief to individuals and communities during challenging times. It relies on the support and contributions from compassionate individuals like Pratibha Baishya and her fellow teachers to effectively fulfill its mission of serving the people and addressing critical needs.

As the news of their noble gesture spreads, it is hoped that more individuals and organizations will be inspired to come forward and contribute to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund. Together, we can make a significant impact and extend support to those who need it the most, fostering a stronger and more resilient community.