Assam Karbi Anglong

KARBI ANGLONG: Major Drug Bust: 94 Soap Packages Concealing 1.176 kg of Heroin Seized by police

Correspondent Correspondent
Thursday, July 06, 2023
Karbi Anglong
KARBI ANGLONG: Major Drug Bust: 94 Soap Packages Concealing 1.176 kg of Heroin Seized by police
Major Drug Bust: 94 Soap Packages Concealing 1.176 kg of Heroin Seized by karbi anglong police.
KARBI ANGLONG, ASSAM 6 July 2023: Local police authorities, specifically karbi Anglongp, successfully confiscated 94 packages of soap that were found to contain 1.176 kilograms of heroin. The seizure took place in Laharijan, near the Assam border, and involved the arrest of two individuals who were identified as drug dealers. The commendable actions taken by assam police in their relentless fight against drug trafficking have garnered widespread praise. Their dedication and hard work are truly commendable, and they are encouraged to continue their efforts in keeping our communities safe from the menace of drugs.

In a significant operation on Wednesday, July 5, authorities from the karbi Anglong police department made a breakthrough in the ongoing battle against drug trafficking. They successfully intercepted two drug dealers at Laharijan, near the Assam border, and seized a total of 94 soap packages. However, what made this seizure particularly noteworthy was the shocking discovery that these seemingly innocent soap bars contained a staggering 1.176 kilograms of heroin.

The swift and efficient actions of the assam police force have earned them widespread appreciation for their unwavering commitment to curbing the drug menace. Their relentless efforts in combating drug trafficking are indeed commendable, and they serve as a beacon of hope in safeguarding our communities. The seizure serves as a stark reminder that drug smugglers continue to employ innovative methods to disguise their illicit activities.

The entire community stands united in expressing gratitude to the karbi Anglong and assam police for their exemplary work. Their determination and dedication send a strong message to criminals that their illicit operations will not go unnoticed or unchallenged. We urge the authorities to build upon this success and further strengthen their strategies to ensure the safety and well-being of our society.

Let us all join in applauding the efforts of these law enforcement agencies and encourage them to persevere in their pursuit of a drug-free future. Together, we can create a safer and healthier environment for everyone.