india Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin Commends PM Modi for Successful SCO Summit

Correspondent Correspondent
Wednesday, July 05, 2023
Russian President Vladimir Putin Commends PM Modi for Successful SCO Summit
Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for hosting the SCO Summit, highlighting the significance of the event.

During his address, Putin acknowledged the efforts made in implementing various documents and decisions that were meticulously prepared for this occasion. Furthermore, he extended Russia's support for the New Delhi declaration, emphasizing the importance of a unified approach among member nations.

The SCO Summit, held in the capital city of India, brought together leaders from the member countries to discuss and deliberate upon crucial regional and global issues. As the host nation, India played a pivotal role in organizing the summit and ensuring its success.

In his statement, President Putin specifically recognized the comprehensive work put forth by Prime Minister Modi in coordinating the summit. The Russian leader acknowledged the extensive preparations undertaken to facilitate constructive discussions and productive outcomes.

Highlighting the significance of the New Delhi declaration, President Putin emphasized the need for a consolidated approach among SCO member countries. He reiterated Russia's support for the declaration, which serves as a framework for collective action and cooperation on a wide range of issues affecting the region and beyond.

The New Delhi declaration, a key outcome of the summit, reflects the shared vision and commitment of SCO member nations to address common challenges and promote regional stability and development. It embodies the principles of mutual respect, sovereignty, and non-interference, fostering an environment conducive to cooperation and dialogue.

President Putin's acknowledgment of Prime Minister Modi's efforts in organizing the summit underscores the importance of international collaboration and diplomatic initiatives in resolving global issues. The SCO Summit serves as a platform for leaders to engage in constructive dialogue, strengthen ties, and work towards shared objectives.

As the SCO continues to play a significant role in promoting regional cooperation and addressing emerging challenges, the support and engagement of member nations, including Russia, are crucial. President Putin's endorsement of the New Delhi declaration further reinforces the commitment of SCO member countries to forge ahead with a unified approach, fostering peace, stability, and development in the region.