
Mizoram Police Seize 62 Soap Boxes Of Heroin in Champhai District; Arrest Drug Peddler

Editor Editor
Friday, August 04, 2023
Mizoram Police Seize 62 Soap Boxes Of Heroin in Champhai District; Arrest Drug Peddler
Champhai Police Make Remarkable Drug Seizure in Ongoing War on Drugs

Mizoram: Champhai Police have once again demonstrated their dedication to the ongoing war on drugs, achieving a significant breakthrough in combating narcotics trafficking. On the evening of August 1st, 2023, at approximately 4:00 PM, the police on duty at Khankawn Police Checkgate executed a successful operation, resulting in the recovery and seizure of a substantial quantity of heroin.

The narcotics haul amounted to an impressive 765 grams, neatly concealed within 62 soap boxes, all discovered in a vehicle identified as TATA Yodha B/R No. AS-11-EC-6462. The driver of the vehicle, Rafik Uddin Laskar (21) and son of Ainul Hoque Laskar from Channighat, Cachar, Assam, was promptly arrested in connection with the seizure.

The swift and decisive action taken by the Champhai Police not only led to the removal of a significant amount of heroin from circulation but also resulted in the apprehension of an alleged drug peddler. This operation showcases the department's relentless pursuit of individuals involved in the illicit drug trade.

The case has been registered under sections 21(c) and 25 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (ND&PS) Act at the Champhai Police Station. This enables the authorities to initiate further investigation into the matter, with the aim of identifying and apprehending any other potential associates or networks involved in the illegal drug activities.

This latest drug seizure sends a clear message to drug peddlers and traffickers that the authorities are determined to uproot the illegal drug trade. It serves as a stern warning and a testimony to the continued success of Mizoram's battle against drugs.

As the investigation progresses, the Mizoram community can take pride in the relentless dedication exhibited by their law enforcement personnel, who remain steadfast in their pursuit of justice and in safeguarding the well-being of society. The successful outcome of this operation highlights the crucial role played by law enforcement agencies and their commitment to creating a safer and drug-free environment for the residents of Mizoram.

This commendable effort also reinforces the significance of community participation in reporting suspicious activities, enabling the police to act swiftly and effectively in combating drug-related challenges. The Champhai Police's effective response exemplifies the importance of coordinated law enforcement action in curbing the menace of narcotics within the region.