dimapur Nagaland

Nagaland: Dimapur Schools to Temporarily Close Amid Rising Conjunctivitis Cases

Editor Editor
Monday, August 21, 2023
Nagaland: Dimapur Schools to Temporarily Close Amid Rising Conjunctivitis Cases
Dimapur District Administration Suspends Physical Classes Amid Rising Conjunctivitis Cases Among School Children
Dimapur, Nagaland: In response to the alarming surge of conjunctivitis cases among school children, the Dimapur district administration has taken a proactive measure to safeguard the health of its young population. Deputy Commissioner Sachin Jaiswal, in an order issued on Saturday, announced the suspension of physical classes in schools throughout the district from August 21 to August 26. The move aims to curtail the spread of this highly contagious eye infection within the school community.

The decision comes after Dimapur's Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Limatula Aier, expressed deep concern over the rising number of conjunctivitis cases, particularly among school-going children. Hospitals in the region have reported a substantial increase in patients suffering from this ailment, prompting immediate action from the local authorities.

Dr. Aier's statement underscored the gravity of the situation, citing a significant number of conjunctivitis cases being recorded in Dimapur. The CMO highlighted that this surge in cases is not just a minor health concern but a matter that demands immediate attention and intervention.

In response to these developments, Dr. Aier convened a crucial meeting on August 17, which brought together key stakeholders including the district administration, the school education department, and the teachers' association. The meeting aimed to discuss the situation comprehensively and formulate a strategy to combat the outbreak effectively.

Furthermore, Dr. Asongla Chang, a senior specialist at Dimapur district hospital, provided additional insights into the situation. She revealed that more than 700 cases of conjunctivitis have been reported in local hospitals since the last week of July. Dr. Chang also cautioned that the actual number of cases might be significantly higher when accounting for cases treated in private healthcare facilities.

Dr. Chang drew attention to the emergence of pharyngoconjunctivitis cases among children, indicating that the infection has taken on a more severe form in some instances. Symptoms of pharyngoconjunctivitis include fever, sore throat, and cough, further emphasizing the need for immediate and comprehensive measures to mitigate the outbreak.

As the Dimapur district administration takes proactive steps to combat this health crisis, they have also urged educational institutions to explore alternative options such as online classes during the suspension period. This move not only demonstrates their commitment to student welfare but also underscores the importance of adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of public health challenges.

The situation in Dimapur remains fluid, with authorities promising to gather more data and information from educational institutions in the coming days. The collective efforts of the district administration, healthcare professionals, and educators aim to halt the spread of conjunctivitis, ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment for all students in the district.

In the face of this health crisis, Dimapur is taking swift and decisive action to protect its future generation, setting an example of proactive governance in the fight against contagious diseases.