Arunachal Pradesh

SASI Forum's Call for Action: Arunachal Pradesh Private Job Reservation Bill to Tackle Unemployment

Correspondent Correspondent
Wednesday, August 09, 2023
Arunachal Pradesh
SASI Forum's Call for Action: Arunachal Pradesh Private Job Reservation Bill to Tackle Unemployment
SASI Forum Advocates Arunachal Pradesh Private Job Reservation Bill to Combat Unemployment.
Guwahati, August 09, 2023: The Save Arunachal Save Indigenous (SASI) forum is urging the state government to pass the 'Arunachal Pradesh Private Job Reservation Bill' during the upcoming state assembly session. The primary objective of the bill is to safeguard the indigenous identity and address the pressing issue of unemployment.

During a press conference held at the Press Club, SASI chairman Romjir Rakshap communicated that on August 4, the forum had submitted a representation to the state government, calling for prompt consideration and enactment of the bill within the state assembly.

Rakshap emphasized, "The escalating unemployment among our young population, especially those hailing from disadvantaged backgrounds, is a grave concern. Numerous youths are falling victim to substance abuse, criminal activities, or even resorting to suicide due to the lack of employment opportunities. SASI is voicing the concerns of countless unemployed youths who have implored our forum to advocate for this crucial bill."

Expressing optimism, he expressed hope that the state government would attentively address their legitimate and singular demand, taking appropriate action. He appealed to lawmakers to introduce and endorse the bill, which he believes would provide significant support to the state's youth. The forum has already formulated the draft of the bill, necessitating the government's legislative endorsement.

"We are resolutely committed to championing this cause with fervor, keeping in mind the best interests of our indigenous populace, until the state government responds to our appeal," he asserted.

He also underlined that reserving local jobs in the private sector would contribute to curbing crime and addressing the scarcity of government employment opportunities. He proposed measures to regulate the entry of external job seekers and eliminate favoritism within the private sector.

The SASI has proposed that the bill should reserve positions for local candidates earning up to Rs 50,000 per month. This regulation would apply to various entities, including companies, partnerships, firms, societies, trusts, or establishments with a workforce of more than 10 individuals.

The government should establish online platforms for employers to report the number of local candidates they have hired. The bill should impose stringent penalties for non-compliance with the recruitment guidelines, mandating at least 75% local candidates in all private sector entities within Arunachal Pradesh, Rakshap recommended.

He also cited successful implementations of similar laws in states such as Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, and Jharkhand, where these measures have effectively addressed unemployment and enhanced the lives of the populace.