
Mizoram Chief Minister Reveals State's Financial Struggles at Engineering Conference

Editor Editor
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Mizoram Chief Minister Reveals State's Financial Struggles at Engineering Conference
Mizoram Chief Minister Highlights State's Financial Challenges at Engineering Conference
Calls for Self-Reliance and Resource Optimization Amidst Funding Shortages

In a candid address at the 42nd Annual General Conference of the Mizoram Engineering Service Association (MESA), Mizoram Chief Minister Pu Zoramthanga revealed the state's ongoing financial troubles. The conference, held on September 15 at the Berawtlang Multipurpose Hall, provided a platform for the Chief Minister to express his concerns and hopes for the state's engineers.

During the launch of the MESA souvenir, Chief Minister Zoramthanga extended his best wishes to the attending engineers, acknowledging their vital role in the state's development.

In his address, Chief Minister Zoramthanga disclosed that approximately Rs 3500 crore, expected from the central government as part of the state budget, remains unaccounted for. He attributed this shortfall to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted the expected flow of funds from the central government over the past three years. "These difficulties have hindered our progress in government jobs and other sectors," he lamented.

Furthermore, the Chief Minister emphasized the lessons learned from recent national challenges, underlining the importance of self-reliance. He remarked, "The challenges our nation has recently endured have made us realize how important it is to stand on our own two feet. God has blessed us with land, air, water, and subterranean resources, along with a prosperous country. It is incumbent upon engineers to harness these resources and contribute to our nation's self-sufficiency."

Founded in 1972 with just eight members, the Mizoram Engineering Service Association (MESA) has grown substantially. Presently, it boasts 144 members from the Public Works Department (PWD), 73 from the Planning & Economic Development (P&ED) department, 67 from the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), and 16 from the Irrigation & Water Resources Department (I&WRD). The association's expansion reflects the increasing importance of engineering expertise in Mizoram's development.

Chief Minister Pu Zoramthanga's address at the MESA conference shed light on the financial challenges facing Mizoram while instilling a sense of responsibility among engineers to leverage the state's resources for self-reliance and growth.