
Assam CM On Congress of Aligning with Pakistan and Afghanistan on Middle East Conflict

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Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Assam CM On Congress of Aligning with Pakistan and Afghanistan on Middle East Conflict
Congress's Stance on Middle East Conflict Sparks Controversy: Similarities with Pakistan and Afghanistan
Guwahati , Assam - October 11, 2023: In a recent statement, Assam's Chief Minister, Himanta Biswa Sarma, expressed concerns over the Congress party's resolution regarding the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. Sarma accused Congress of having striking similarities with Pakistan and Afghanistan in its stance on the matter, alleging that all three entities failed to condemn Hamas, deplore terror attacks on Israel, and remained silent on the plight of hostages, including women and children. Sarma argued that this approach sacrificed the nation's interest in favor of a politics of appeasement that is ingrained in Congress's DNA.

The controversial remarks stem from a Congress Working Committee (CWC) statement, where the committee expressed its dismay and anguish over the war in the Middle East and reiterated its long-standing support for the rights of the Palestinian people. The CWC called for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations on outstanding issues.

Pakistan, on the other hand, issued a statement on the same matter, expressing its concerns about the escalating situation in the Middle East and advocating for a two-state solution as the path to enduring peace. Pakistan's statement emphasized international law and United Nations resolutions as the basis for a solution.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan also weighed in, declaring its support for the Palestinian people's legitimate right to an independent state. The statement called on Islamic countries, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the international community, and influential regional nations to prevent Israeli forces' violence against the people of Palestine and to resolve the issue by granting the legitimate rights of Palestinians.

The similarities in the statements of Congress, Pakistan, and Afghanistan have raised eyebrows, as these entities have chosen not to condemn Hamas, remained silent about terror attacks on Israel, and omitted mentioning the plight of hostages, particularly women and children.

The ongoing Middle East conflict remains a highly contentious and complex issue, and the varying stances taken by different nations and political entities further highlight the intricacies involved. While it is not uncommon for political leaders to express differing opinions on international matters, these recent statements have sparked debate and scrutiny regarding the alignment of certain political groups with global issues.

As the situation in the Middle East continues to evolve, the international community watches closely, awaiting further developments and hoping for a resolution that brings peace and stability to the region.