
Assam State Medical Colleges to Reserve 5% Seats for Students from Government/Provincialised Schools

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Tuesday, October 03, 2023
Assam State Medical Colleges to Reserve 5% Seats for Students from Government/Provincialised Schools
New Quota Aims to Promote Equal Access to Medical Education for Aspiring Students
Guwahati , Assam - October 03 - 2023: In a significant move towards ensuring equal opportunities in medical education, the state of Assam has introduced a new reservation policy that will set aside 5% of seats in its medical colleges for students who have exclusively studied in Government or Provincialised schools from Class VII to XII.

This groundbreaking initiative aims to create a level playing field for students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, providing them with an equitable chance to pursue a career in medicine. The decision is part of Assam's broader commitment to promoting quality education and improving access to higher studies.

Under this reservation policy, aspiring medical students who have completed their education from Class VII to XII in government or provincialised schools will be eligible for this unique opportunity. It is anticipated that this initiative will encourage more students from such schools to pursue a medical career, thereby diversifying the pool of medical professionals and addressing regional disparities in healthcare.

Speaking about the initiative, Education Minister Ranoj Pegu, expressed the government's commitment to empowering students from underprivileged backgrounds. "This reservation policy is a step forward in our efforts to ensure that deserving students have a fair chance at pursuing their dreams in the medical field. We believe that by reserving these seats, we are not only promoting educational equality but also addressing the shortage of doctors in the state."

The decision has been met with widespread approval from various quarters, including education experts, students, and parents. It is seen as a step towards nurturing talent from all backgrounds and fostering inclusivity in higher education.

To implement this reservation effectively, the state government has outlined a transparent selection process, with specific eligibility criteria that students must meet to qualify for these reserved seats. The move is expected to create opportunities for deserving students who may not have had access to private or more privileged institutions.

In conclusion, Assam's new policy to reserve 5% of seats in state medical colleges for students from government and provincialised schools reflects a commitment to providing equitable educational opportunities. This step not only opens doors for aspiring medical professionals but also strengthens the state's healthcare system by ensuring a diverse and well-rounded medical workforce. As the initiative takes shape, it is anticipated that it will serve as a model for other regions, promoting inclusivity and access to quality education across the nation.