
Manipur Police and Security Forces Find Advanced Weapons during Search Operation

News Reporter News Reporter
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Manipur Police and Security Forces Find Advanced Weapons during Search Operation
Imphal West's Security Coup: CASO Seizes Cache of High-Powered Weapons
Imphal, October 13, 2023 - In a meticulously planned operation, the Manipur Police, in close cooperation with security forces, executed a remarkably successful cordon and search operation (CASO) in the heart of Imphal West district. This operation, conducted in the Kameng, Khamran, and Mana Ingkhol areas, has led to the discovery of a significant cache of advanced arms and ammunition.

The joint team, composed of the Imphal West District Police and security forces, carried out a comprehensive search of approximately 150 residences across these three villages, leading to the unearthing of a remarkable array of seized items.

The seized items include:

Sophisticated Firearms:
(i) 3 Carbines
(ii) 5 Carbine magazines
(iii) 1 9mm pistol with a magazine
(iv) 1 7.65 lama pistol with a magazine

Lethal Munitions:
(v) 3 High-Explosive Grenades
(vi) 1 Air gun equipped with a scope
(vii) A substantial amount of Ammunition:
   a. 67 rounds of 9mm
   b. 78 rounds of 0.45mm

Tactical Gear:
(viii) 1 plastic magazine designed for an INSAS rifle
(ix) 8 Bulletproof Jackets
(x) 13 pairs of Police uniforms and an additional pair of pants
(xi) 8 pairs of rugged Jungle boots
(xii) A stash of 19 Dummy rifles, fashioned from wood

Communication and Documentation:
(xiii) 3 Wireless sets, along with 4 chargers
(xiv) A Receipt booklet associated with KCP (PWG Kangla)
(xv) 1 Attendance register

Other Discoveries:
(xvi) 6 confiscated Mobile phones
(xvii) 1 Maruti Gypsy, intriguingly lacking a registration number plate

The CASO, executed with the primary objective of ensuring security and curtailing illicit activities, concluded without any untoward incidents. The range of recovered items has been turned over to the Lamshang police station, marking the initiation of necessary legal proceedings.

This operation serves as a testament to the unwavering dedication of the Manipur Police and their effective collaboration with security forces in upholding law and order while ensuring the safety of the general public. Subsequent investigations are already in progress to unveil the origins and intended purposes of the confiscated items, with legal actions to follow.