
Manipur Police Apprehends KYKL Operative: Significant Arms and Assets Seized

News Reporter News Reporter
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Manipur Police Apprehends KYKL Operative: Significant Arms and Assets Seized
Arms Cache Seized: 9mm Pistol and Loaded Magazines Recovered in Imphal-West District
Manipur - 15 November, 2023: In a significant operation on November 14, 2023, the Manipur Police, supported by security forces, successfully apprehended an active member of the proscribed outfit KYKL (Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup) in Imphal-West District. The arrest was accompanied by the recovery of a 9mm pistol, two magazines loaded with 16 live rounds, a car, Rs. 92,000 in cash, and four mobile phones from the individual.

The captured KYKL member, identified as a key operative, was actively engaged in the extortion of substantial amounts of money from the general public. The successful operation not only curtailed ongoing extortion activities but also led to the confiscation of weapons and assets linked to illicit operations.

The recovered 9mm pistol and loaded magazines underscore the potential threat posed by such individuals, and the timely intervention by the Manipur Police averted potential harm. The operation reflects the commitment of the law enforcement agencies to safeguarding public safety and upholding the rule of law.

In addition to the arms cache, the seizure of the car, a significant amount of Rs. 92,000 in cash, and the four mobile phones highlights the extent of the individual's involvement in illicit activities. The Manipur Police's proactive approach to the operation demonstrates their dedication to dismantling networks supporting unlawful elements in the region.

The arrested KYKL member is now in police custody, where further investigations are expected to uncover additional insights into the workings of the group and potential connections. The intelligence gathered from this operation will likely contribute significantly to ongoing efforts to dismantle such organizations and ensure the safety and security of the local population.

This incident underscores the continuous efforts of the Manipur Police to combat illegal activities and maintain law and order in the region. The seizure of weapons and assets associated with extortion activities sends a clear message that law enforcement will respond decisively to unlawful actions, reinforcing the commitment to a secure and peaceful environment in Imphal-West District and beyond.