
Mizoram Prepares for Transparent and Inclusive Elections with Early EVM Deployment

News Reporter News Reporter
Monday, November 06, 2023
Mizoram Prepares for Transparent and Inclusive Elections with Early EVM Deployment
Commitment to inclusivity: Over 9,500 votes already cast through home voting and postal ballots.
AIZAWL, November 6, 2023 – As Mizoram gears up for its General Assembly elections, electronic voting machines (EVMs) have started arriving in Aizawl district, ensuring that the democratic process runs smoothly and efficiently. This vital step towards ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process marks a significant milestone in the state's electoral history.

With 321 polling stations spread across the district, the deployment of EVMs commenced this morning, heralding the countdown to the much-anticipated elections. Election officials, entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing this essential democratic exercise, have been diligently coordinating the logistical requirements, with EVMs being at the forefront.

Furthermore, in an effort to ensure accessibility and inclusivity in the electoral process, a commendable initiative has been undertaken. A total of 2,058 votes have already been cast through home voting, with an additional 7,497 votes being received via postal ballots at designated facilitation centers dedicated to the Mizoram Assembly elections. This noteworthy statistic was confirmed by an official from the Mizoram CEO office, emphasizing the commitment to making the elections as accessible as possible.

The official also reported that as of 5 PM on Saturday, a total of 9,555 votes had been cast through a combination of home voting and postal ballots. This impressive turnout showcases the enthusiasm and participation of Mizoram's citizens in the democratic process.

A key development for this year's elections is the expansion of the home voting process to various districts in the state. This allows senior citizens aged 80 and above and voters with disabilities (PwD) to exercise their right to vote conveniently. The inclusivity of the electoral process has been further extended to polling personnel, other officials, and essential services on duty, who can cast their votes through postal ballots.

To ensure the utmost transparency and fairness in the electoral process, webcasting arrangements have been put in place at 765 out of the 1,276 polling stations. This comprehensive webcasting coverage accounts for 60 percent of the total polling stations in Mizoram, underlining the commitment to maintaining the integrity of the elections.

The General Assembly elections in Mizoram are poised to be a testament to the state's dedication to conducting democratic processes with inclusivity, accessibility, and utmost fairness. As the electronic voting machines continue to make their way to polling stations, all eyes are on the forthcoming elections, eagerly anticipating the voice of the people to be heard and counted.