Assam Dima Hasao

BJP Sends Strong Message: Expels 15 Leaders for Independent Bids in Upcoming Council Elections

News Reporter News Reporter
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Dima Hasao
BJP Sends Strong Message: Expels 15 Leaders for Independent Bids in Upcoming Council Elections
Internal Discord Adds Unpredictability to Upcoming DHAC Polls
Guwahati, 27 December, 23:  In an unexpected turn of events, the Assam Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) grapples with internal strife as 15 key leaders from Dima Hasao district are expelled for announcing independent candidatures in the run-up to the Dima Hasao Autonomous Council (DHAC) elections. The move, led by Assam BJP President Bhabesh Kalita, introduces a new element of uncertainty in the party's pre-election landscape.

The ousted leaders, including Lalremthiem Tuolor, Rahul Naiding, Silvias Lalrotlounga Khozol, and others, now embark on independent political journeys, challenging the established party narrative just ahead of the DHAC elections scheduled for January 8, 2024.

Internal Rift Amid Electoral Countdown:
With the DHAC polls looming, the BJP faces an unexpected rift within its ranks, raising questions about party cohesion and strategy. The decision by these 15 leaders to go solo adds complexity to the electoral dynamics of Dima Hasao district.

Electoral Dynamics and Demographics:
As voters prepare for the January 8 elections, navigating through 280 polling stations from 8 AM to 4 PM, the political landscape in Dima Hasao district takes an intriguing turn. The diverse electorate, consisting of 1,41,124 individuals, holds the key to shaping the outcome of the North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council (NCHAC) elections in Assam.

Insights into NCHAC:
Operating under the constitutional provisions of the Sixth Schedule, the NCHAC, or Dima Hasao Autonomous Council, plays a vital role in the administration of Dima Hasao district. The council's mandate is to uplift the hill people in the region, currently under the leadership of Chief Executive Member (CEM) Debolal Gorlosa.

Ramifications and Political Intrigue:
The expulsion of 15 BJP leaders opting for an independent path introduces a layer of complexity to the unfolding electoral saga. This internal discord is poised to impact the pre-election narrative, shaping the political landscape leading up to January 8, 2024.

As the DHAC elections draw near, the BJP grapples with internal dissent, adding an unforeseen dimension to the political scenario. The ramifications of this internal discord are likely to echo in the days leading up to the polls, promising an intriguing political spectacle on January 8, 2024.