
AASU and Allied Organizations Stage 12-Hour Hunger Strike in Dibrugarh Against CAA

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Sunday, March 10, 2024
AASU and Allied Organizations Stage 12-Hour Hunger Strike in Dibrugarh Against CAA
Demand for Repeal of Citizenship Amendment Act Echoes Across Assam as Protest Intensifies
Dibrugarh, 10 March, 24: In a resolute display of opposition against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the Dibrugarh district committee of the All Assam Students' Union (AASU) joined forces with 30 other organizations to embark on a 12-hour hunger strike in Dibrugarh today.

Commencing at 6 am and slated to continue until 6 pm, the hunger strike serves as a poignant reminder of the widespread discontentment surrounding the controversial legislation. Participants are fervently advocating for the repeal of the Act, emphasizing the inherent contradictions it poses to the principles of democracy and secularism.

This latest demonstration of dissent follows a series of protests organized by the AASU and allied groups across the state. On March 7, the AASU orchestrated a mass bike rally to denounce the CAA, attracting hundreds of fervent supporters who traversed the streets in a unified display of opposition.

In Dibrugarh, Kokrajhar, and various other districts, the clamor for justice reverberated as participants rode through the thoroughfares, echoing demands for the annulment of the contentious legislation.

During the motorcycle rally in Kokrajhar, AASU vice president Nabajyoti Roy reiterated the organization's unwavering commitment to the democratic struggle against the CAA. Addressing the media, Roy underscored the imperative of sustained mobilization, emphasizing that the fight against the discriminatory provisions of the Act remains paramount.

As voices of dissent grow louder and the chorus of opposition swells, the AASU and its allies remain steadfast in their resolve to safeguard the secular fabric and democratic ethos of the nation. With each demonstration, they seek to amplify their message, calling upon authorities to heed the collective outcry and repeal the contentious Citizenship Amendment Act.