
Controversial Image of UPPL Member Sleeping with Currency Notes Sparks Debate in Assam

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Thursday, March 28, 2024
Controversial Image of UPPL Member Sleeping with Currency Notes Sparks Debate in Assam
Viral Picture Creates Stir: UPPL Member Benjamin Basumatary Caught Sleeping with Cash
Controversial Image of UPPL Member Sleeping with Currency Notes Sparks Debate in Assam

Assam, 27 March, 24: A viral photograph portraying a suspended member of the United People's Party Liberal (UPPL) sleeping alongside stacks of currency notes has ignited a heated debate in Assam as the Lok Sabha elections approach.

The image features Benjamin Basumatary, identified as a Village Council Development Committee (VCDC) member of UPPL, lying on a bed adorned with Rs 500 notes, clad only in a traditional towel.

Although the authenticity of the photo remains unverified by PTI, sources close to Basumatary assert that it is an old picture circulated for political purposes during the election season.

UPPL has swiftly distanced itself from the incident, confirming Basumatary's suspension and subsequent removal from the VCDC post. UPPL chief Pramod Boro clarified that disciplinary actions were initiated by the Harisingha Block Committee, leading to Basumatary's suspension on January 10. Additionally, the BTC Government took decisive action by suspending and removing him from the position of VCDC Chairman on February 10, 2024.

Boro emphasized that Basumatary's actions are solely his responsibility and urged both media outlets and social media users to refrain from associating him with UPPL. The party firmly asserts no accountability for his personal conduct.