Assam Crime

Assam Anti-Corruption Drive Yields Another Success: UDA Caught Accepting Bribe

Editor Editor
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Assam Anti-Corruption Drive Yields Another Success: UDA Caught Accepting Bribe
Transparency Prevails: DIR_VAC_ASSAM's Sting Nets UDA Involved in Money Lending License Scam
Guwahati, Assam: In a relentless pursuit against corruption, the Assam Police's Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DIR_VAC_ASSAM) scored another victory as they apprehended Md Muktar Ahmed, UDA (Upper Division Assistant), in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Guwahati. The arrest was made after Ahmed was caught red-handed accepting a bribe. This development is a testament to the Assam Police's dedication to eradicating corruption from every corner of the administration.

The incident unfolded today as the DIR_VAC_ASSAM's anti-corruption drive remained in full swing. Md Muktar Ahmed was ensnared in a sting operation after he allegedly demanded and accepted a bribe. The bribe was reportedly linked to the processing of a Money Lending License for a complainant. This operation signifies the continued efforts of the Assam Police to cleanse the system and ensure a transparent and accountable administration.

The success of this operation serves as a warning to those who seek to exploit their positions for personal gain. The Assam Police's commitment to maintaining integrity and fairness within the administrative machinery is reflected in their swift actions against wrongdoers. The arrest of Md Muktar Ahmed underscores the message that corruption will not be tolerated at any level.

The Chief Minister's Office, Assam Police, and the public have taken note of these developments. The joint efforts of various stakeholders in upholding ethical standards and curbing corruption have been praised. This successful anti-corruption drive not only restores faith in the system but also reaffirms the commitment to building a just and transparent governance structure.

The DIR_VAC_ASSAM's unwavering commitment to combating corruption is evident in their consistent efforts to expose and apprehend those involved. The arrest of Md Muktar Ahmed adds another chapter to the ongoing story of Assam's fight against corruption, emphasizing that no individual or department is exempt from scrutiny.

As investigations continue, the apprehension of Md Muktar Ahmed serves as a stern reminder that the Assam Police will not rest until the administration is free from corruption's shackles. The continued efforts of the DIR_VAC_ASSAM and Assam Police reinforce the belief that the pursuit of a corruption-free society is an achievable goal, bolstered by each success in bringing wrongdoers to justice.