
Joint Operation in Manipur Leads to Seizure of Arms, Narcotics, and Cash from CKLA

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Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Joint Operation in Manipur Leads to Seizure of Arms, Narcotics, and Cash from CKLA
Joint Operation by Manipur Police and Central Armed Forces Yields Significant Results
Manipur, India – October 24, 2023: In a notable development, a collaborative operation between Manipur Police and central armed forces personnel has resulted in the substantial seizure of a diverse array of weapons, ammunition, narcotics, and currency from the Chin Kuki Liberation Army (CKLA), a militant group based in Myanmar.

Manipur's Chief Minister, N. Biren Singh, unveiled this accomplishment through his official social media profile on the platform X (formerly known as Twitter) on Monday. In his announcement, CM Biren Singh provided a comprehensive breakdown of the materials confiscated during the operation, revealing, "The seized arsenal encompasses AK47, Insas, Sniper, and M16 rifles, along with a substantial cache of ammunition. Additionally, the operation uncovered approximately 2.5 kilograms of opium, a sum of INR 4,86,500 in cash, and various other items."

Furthermore, Chief Minister Singh disclosed that the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had previously launched cases that pointed to a 'transnational conspiracy' involving terrorist organizations based in neighboring Myanmar and Bangladesh. These groups were allegedly conspiring to wage war against the Indian government by exploiting the unrest in Manipur.

CM Singh emphasized, "The recent apprehension of CKLA cadres and the successful recovery of these weapons stand as further evidence of a transnational scheme aimed at destabilizing both Manipur and our nation."

This joint operation represents a significant milestone in addressing the growing security concerns in the region. It underscores the commitment of the authorities to safeguarding the state of Manipur and the entire nation against external threats, ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens. The operation serves as a testament to the effectiveness of collaborative efforts between law enforcement agencies and the central armed forces in maintaining peace and security.