
Fire Destroys Popular Floating Restaurant in Guwahati

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Monday, November 27, 2023
Fire Destroys Popular Floating Restaurant in Guwahati
Fancy Bazar Mourns Loss of Well-Known 'Kaamakaazi' Establishment
Guwahati, Assam - 27 November , 2023: A devastating fire consumed the popular floating restaurant and bar, 'Kaamakaazi,' located in Fancy Bazar on the banks of the River Brahmaputra in Guwahati. The incident occurred on Sunday night, November 26, leaving the establishment in ruins.

The fire, believed to have originated from a series of cylinder explosions, quickly engulfed 'Kaamakaazi,' turning it into ashes. The floating eatery was a well-known spot in the city's bustling Fancy Bazar area, attracting locals and tourists alike.

Fortunately, no casualties or injuries have been reported as a result of the blaze. Emergency services, including police and firefighting personnel, promptly responded to the scene, successfully quelling the flames and preventing the fire from spreading further.

Preliminary reports indicate that the fire's source was likely a chain of cylinder explosions at the River Brahmaputra-side restaurant, situated on Lachit Ghat. Authorities are currently investigating the incident, and the extent of property damage is yet to be assessed.

The community is awaiting additional details on the circumstances surrounding the fire and its aftermath. As the investigation unfolds, 'Kaamakaazi' remains a poignant symbol of the challenges faced by businesses, particularly in the hospitality sector, where unexpected disasters can have severe consequences.

The incident serves as a reminder of the crucial role played by emergency responders in mitigating such crises and safeguarding lives and property. The community expresses gratitude for their swift action and awaits further updates on the investigation into the tragic incident that reduced 'Kaamakaazi' to ashes.