
Manipur Marks Historic Day with Release of Diglot Edition of Indian Constitution in Meitei Mayek

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Sunday, November 26, 2023
Manipur Marks Historic Day with Release of Diglot Edition of Indian Constitution in Meitei Mayek
Constitution Day Celebration: Chief Minister N Biren Singh Unveils Special Diglot Edition for Manipur

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Imphal, 26 November, 2023: In a momentous occasion for Manipur, Chief Minister N Biren Singh unveiled the Diglot Edition of the Indian Constitution in Meitei Mayek script on Constitution Day, celebrated on November 26, 2023, at the Chief Minister's Secretariat in Imphal. This edition, inclusive of Constitutional Amendments up to the 105th, signifies a commitment to linguistic diversity and constitutional awareness.

Chief Minister's Announcement:
Chief Minister N Biren Singh shared the news on social media platform X, expressing his delight on the "Celebration of Constitution Day." He emphasized the significance of the Diglot Edition's release in Meitei Mayek, hoping it would inspire a deeper understanding and appreciation for constitutional values.

Historic Moment for Manipur:
Speaking at the event, Chief Minister N Biren Singh highlighted the historic nature of the occasion, emphasizing the inclusion of Constitutional Amendments up to the 105th in the Diglot Edition. He commended the efforts of the Law Department officials and others involved in translating the Constitution into Meitei Mayek.

Indian Constitution's Global Recognition:
The Chief Minister praised the Indian Constitution as the world's longest written constitution, admired globally for its breadth, inclusiveness, and tolerance. He detailed its contents, encompassing Directives Principles, Fundamental Duties and Rights of people, and the political structures of Government Institutions.

Appreciation for Central Leaders:
Expressing gratitude towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other Central leaders, Chief Minister N Biren Singh acknowledged their visionary approach and special concern for Manipur and its people. He recounted significant initiatives, such as the Inner Line Permit System, renaming of Mount Harriet to Mount Manipur, and the lifting of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, showcasing the Central Government's respect for Manipur.

Honoring Bravery and Recognition:
The Chief Minister shared that the Central Government, recognizing the bravery of Manipur's forefathers, named the third ship of the Visakhapatnam-class stealth guided missile destroyer of the Indian Navy as INS Imphal. He announced his attendance at the crest unveiling ceremony of INS Imphal in New Delhi on November 28.

Call for Reciprocal Support:
Chief Minister N Biren Singh emphasized the need for the people of Manipur to reciprocate the honor and respect shown by Central leaders. He sought support from the masses in steering Manipur towards peace and development.

Appreciation for Contributions:
During the program, Chief Minister N Biren Singh distributed certificates of appreciation to officers, transcribers, and translators who contributed to the translated Diglot Edition. Notable figures, including Works Minister Govindas Konthoujam, IPR Minister Dr. Sapam Ranjan, and other dignitaries, attended the ceremony, acknowledging the historic moment for Manipur.