Arunachal Pradesh

Indian Army Conducts Vital Medical Camp in Tawang’s Damteng Village

News Reporter News Reporter
Friday, May 31, 2024
Arunachal Pradesh
Indian Army Conducts Vital Medical Camp in Tawang’s Damteng Village
Health Checkups and Free Medicines Provided to Border Community Residents
Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, May 31, 2024 - In a significant outreach initiative, the Indian Army organized a medical camp in Damteng Village, Tawang district, offering health checkups and distributing free medicines to residents. This effort is part of the Army's ongoing commitment to improving civilian-military relations and supporting border communities.

Health Services for Remote Areas

The medical camp, held in the Thingbu circle of Tawang district, provided essential health services to 40 villagers from remote areas near the border. Army doctors conducted general health checkups and dispensed necessary medications to those in need, ensuring that the residents received vital medical attention.

Strengthening Civilian-Military Relations

This initiative is one of several efforts by the Indian Army to assist people living in border areas and to enhance the relationship between civilian and military personnel. By offering medical support, the Army aims to foster goodwill and build stronger ties with the local communities.

Commitment to Border Communities

The Indian Army’s medical camp underscores its dedication to the welfare of people residing in remote and border regions. Through such initiatives, the Army not only provides critical healthcare services but also reinforces its role as a supportive and caring entity within these communities.

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