
MP Abdul Khaliq Meets Congress Leader KC Venugopal After Resignation, Will Remove BJP.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2024
MP Abdul Khaliq Meets Congress Leader KC Venugopal After Resignation, Will Remove BJP.
Assam MP Expresses Concerns and Allegiance to Sonia Gandhi
MP Abdul Khaliq Meets Congress Leader KC Venugopal After Resignation, Will Remove BJP.

Delhi, 19 March, 24: MP Abdul Khaliq, representing Assam's Barpeta constituency, met with Congress General Secretary-Organisation KC Venugopal today following his resignation from the Congress party. After the meeting, Khaliq stated that he had raised his concerns, as mentioned in his resignation letter, with Venugopal.

In his statement, Khaliq mentioned, "He invited me, so I met him, and I raised my concerns, whatever I mentioned in my resignation letter. He assured me that he'll take care of my concerns... I have full confidence in Sonia Gandhi. I also want BJP out of power."

Khaliq's meeting with Venugopal comes amid his departure from the Congress party and signals his ongoing engagement with party leadership to address his grievances. Khaliq's expression of confidence in Sonia Gandhi, the Congress party president, highlights his continued allegiance to the party despite his resignation.

The MP's desire for a change in power, expressed through his wish for the BJP to be removed from office, underscores his political stance and aspirations. As Khaliq navigates this transition in his political career, his interactions with party leaders will continue to shape the trajectory of his future decisions and affiliations.

Stay tuned for further updates on Abdul Khaliq's political journey and the evolving dynamics within the Assam political landscape.