
Tea Seller Killed Over Cigarettes in Tripura's Capital

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Tea Seller Killed Over Cigarettes in Tripura's Capital
Altercation Over Payment and Cigarettes Leads to Tragic Death
Tea Seller Killed Over Cigarettes in Tripura's Capital

In a tragic incident in Pratapgarh, Tripura, a 51-year-old tea seller, Sukhen Das, lost his life following an altercation with a customer. The suspect, Pujan Sarkar, allegedly attacked Das for refusing to open his closed shop and provide cigarettes.

Altercation Escalates Over Days

Eyewitnesses report that the conflict began on May 16 when Pujan Sarkar visited Das's tea stall, consumed tea, and claimed he had no money to pay. The tension escalated on May 17 when Pujan demanded cigarettes while passing by the closed shop. Das explained he could not fulfill the request as the shop was closed.

Fatal Attack on May 18

The situation turned fatal on May 18. As Sukhen Das was reopening his shop, Pujan attacked him from behind, hitting him on the head with a brick. The severe injury led to Das being rushed to GB Hospital by a rickshaw driver. Despite medical efforts, Sukhen Das succumbed to his injuries on Monday afternoon.

Family in Grief and Shock

Iti Das, Sukhen's wife, expressed profound grief and shock. She revealed that Sukhen, a heart patient who had undergone surgery, was the sole breadwinner. The family's livelihood depended on his tea-selling business, which also supported their daughters' education and medical needs.

Community Outrage and Demand for Justice

The incident has left the Pratapgarh community in shock. Emotions ran high at GBP Hospital where the grieving family gathered, demanding justice and strict punishment for Pujan Sarkar. The police have promptly arrested the suspect, who is currently in custody at the East Agartala police station.